Welcome to CarBonBlax666, where our mission is to Build, Bind, and Blend, relationships, communities, generational gaps, and cultures; all while mimicking the traits of the element Carbon also known as "The Element of Life".

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  When Rihanna sang, "shine bright like a diamond", or when someone said to you, "you're a star". They were actually enlightening you on our connection as living beings. We all come from stars and we all have the potential to be the brightest diamond, depending on how well we handle the many struggles in our lives. Those struggles are simply the pressure that's needed to transform coal into graphite and ultimately a diamond. This is our focus, to help facilitate that personal transformation.

    Most people already know that the carbon element is made of 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons (hence the 666 in the brand name). 6+6+6= 18, 18 in Hebrew is chai and chai means life. 1+8= 9, it takes a normal cycle of 9 months to create human life. 666 is also referred to: the mark of the beast, the devil, wicked, bad, dark, and evil; like the word black. By joining the two words we're able to show the similarities and connections and start the process of building, binding, and blending from a solid foundation/nucleus.

Black is spelled blax because (X) is an unknown variable, especially when referring to the black (people). I personally believe that dark skin or African roots don't determine a person to be black. Just like a person sex doesn't determine a person's gender. However, Rachel Dolezal couldn't identify as being a black/African-American woman, but Lia Catherine Thomas could identify as being a woman and compete against women on a NCAA swim team.

   This isn't a shot at the LGBTQ community, it's more so shedding light on the distaste this nation has on being black and the number 666. Therefore, being so called black or sharing similar views, might get you ousted in this nation; but it's these same individuals and numbers that makes a nation and life as we know it. Building a nation involves a shared sense of national identity, built on elements that bind people together. It takes shared culture, language, and history. Let's build a CarBoNation© together by eliminating toxic stereotyping and prejudice thinking!


Is the first step to living a CarBon life, since carbon is the foundation of all life on Earth. In the form CarBonBlax666, each character is a proton and it's the number of protons that make an element what it is. Being that carbon contains 6 protons, there's 6 pillars of character. The protons and neutrons make up the nucleus/core of an atom. If the protons and neutrons in the nucleus/core aren't solid, the element can't grow or work properly. This is the same for living a productive life in society. The protons are on a personal or the self-level of development. It's the building of a solid core/character, on sound principles.

   The 6 neutrons are represented by these same character traits in a partner, teammate, friend, and/or etc. In Stephen Covey's book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", he talks about the 3 stages of The Maturity Continuum. Stage 1 being the stage of total Dependence, Stage 2 the stage of total Independence, and Stage 3 the ultimate stage of Interdependence. Marking the stage of Interdependence, as two or more, totally independent beings binding together to build the greatest outcome. 

   The inner shell/ring of a carbon atom houses 2 electrons. These 2 electrons represent love and esteem for self. On the outer shell/ring there are four electrons and these electrons represent love and esteem for the universe and higher power, family and friends, nature and environment, and communities and nations. In order to be able to have love and esteem for others, one must first have love and esteem for self.⚛

   I saw this chart of the 6 pillars as a child in grade school frequently. Yet, I never fully applied them. Now as an adult I see the value in the six pillars of character. Each pillar is a compliment to the next and can't be without any of the rest. This is the validity and reliability effect.

The Six Pillars of Character are the core ethical values of CHARACTER COUNTS! These values were identified by a nonpartisan, secular group of youth development experts in 1992 as core ethical values that transcend cultural, religious, and socioeconomic differences.

Each of the Six Pillars of Character help instill a positive school climate and a culture of kindness, making schools a safe environment for students to learn. This is also the recipe to help a positive and safe environment for us to simply live in.


  • Be honest. Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal.

  • Have integrity. Do what you say you’ll do.

  • Keep your promises.

  • Be loyal. Stand by your values.


  • Follow the Golden Rule.

  • Be accepting of differences.

  • Be courteous to others.

  • Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements.

  • Be considerate of others’ feelings.


  • Do what you are supposed to do. Try your best.

  • Persevere. Keep on trying.

  • Be self-disciplined.

  • Think before you act. Consider the consequences.

  • Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes.


  • Play by the rules.

  • Take turns and share.

  • Be open-minded. Listen to others.

  • Don’t take advantage of others.


  • Be kind.

  • Be compassionate.

  • Express gratitude.

  • Forgive others.


  • Do your share to make your home, school, and community better.

  • Cooperate.

  • Stay informed. Vote.

  • Be a good neighbor.

  • Make choices that protect the safety and rights of others.

  • Protect the environment. 


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#CarBon Dioxide/Carbon dioxide

#CarBon Dioxide/Carbon dioxide

CO2 = Oxygen+Carbon+Oxygen, this process is natural and which the animal kingdom breathes in air. That air is then attached to a carbon atom and bonded to our own air, then released. Through photosynthesis, leaves pull in carbon dioxide and hydrogen and use the energy from the Sun to convert this into sugars that feed the tree. As a by-product of that chemical reaction oxygen is produced and released by the tree. 

  Stage 2 CarBon Dioxide is our natural language and form of communication that we share with our environment. This communication is informative and therapeutic. In this sense, the animals and humans are the patients and the plants and trees are the therapists. The CarBon Dioxide is received and the air that's produced from it is the positive feedback. We need trees and plants/therapists to breakdown this information because if nothing is done it will become a problem.

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#CarBon Monoxide/Carbon monoxide

CO is an odorless, colorless toxic gas. It is formed by the incomplete combustion of fuel. It's harmful to the human build because it displaces oxygen in the blood and deprives the heart, brain, and lungs of oxygen. CO can overcome you without warning, causing you to lose consciousness or kill you; since it can't be seen or smelt. The CarBon Monoxide is the information we receive in life on life, that we apply to our daily lives without finding truth to it. The truth finding method in CarBon Monoxide is putting it to the fire. If it's toxic the flame will continue to burn and destroy you but if it's true the flame will be put out. The only way to get rid of carbon monoxide is to filter in fresh air/information.

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#CarBon Dating/Carbon dating

 Carbon dating is a method use for determining the age of an object containing organic material, by means of the content of carbon-14. It's used especially in tracer studies and in dating archaeological and geological materials. It's mostly used on objects that are at less 100-50,000 years old. Learning one's history is very important, but even so important is learning 50,000 years of your history. CarBon Dating is simply going back to the beginning in order to move forward. Everything we know about pre-existing life is from bones, fossils, and rocks.

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#CarBonium Ion/Carbonium ion

CarBonium Ion is an organic ion carrying a positive charge carbon atom. CarBonium Ion is manifesting positivity through positive thought, speech, and actions. These practices may consist of any or all of these terms: positive affirmations, rites, magic, chants, prayers, spells,witchcraft, or mantras. 

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CarBoNite is a carbon conscious being who has endured the many trials and tribulations of everyday life. Everything goes through a process of transformation under different pressures and temperatures. How well we handle these factors shows our level of resilience. 

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